"What? I won't be able to buy sandwiches anymore!"
"Nor will we be able to sell a pickle any longer!"
The shocked student, who adores to grab a bite of his favourite seasoned fried potato sandwich, can't fathom out the new price.
Only a month was away in the new year, and the sandwich prices that contain vegetarian components were higher than their previous prices by 15 to 20 EGP. The meat and chicken rolls jumped further, as now officially, the price of red meat per kilo is 400 EGP.
On the first day of the spring semester this year (2024), the universities and schools were crowded with students. Though the last semester's final exams ended in the middle of January, the introduction of this semester was still over the wheels. As if an entire year has flown by.
During gap hours, students would usually rush to food courts. The most heavily queued kiosks are those that sell Egyptian traditional food in sandwiches (local bread), such as beans, taameya (falafel), and fried potatoes as they are very cheap in comparison with other meat sandwiches. Their prices before the late-pound flotations were under 10 EGP. Now they are close to 30 EGP and even more!
Dumbfounded by both the prices and their unwary pessimistic future, their triflest way of mood exchange is blackened as the 50 banknote is no longer in advantage to cover some lavish expenses.
Now students can't buy!
Nor will the owners of the food kiosks be able to sell in quantities before!
"It might be sooner than expected to close down the stall as we won't be able to afford the ingredient costs, and you will be limited in your purchases," the owner of the food stall said to one of the students.
As days flip through, there is still more to whine about regarding the financial suffocation that Egyptians are witnessing more and more.
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