Thursday, February 8, 2024

Reality: "No one chooses to be born"

 "No one chooses to be born."

That phrase was spoken by a beast king in the anime series The Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts, who was working hard to merge all of his kingdom's species without any kind of racism or difference, since their country was always plagued by civil wars owing to the racial issue. This is similarly happening in our world, where we humans live, including race, culture, country, village, city, colour, faith, and religion.

There is less acceptance of anyone different, especially when it comes to religion, where most people have no choice. They grow up following the religious practices of those around them without having the time to think about and see the differences that they might encounter outside their comfort zone. That usually happens in the fear of alteration, so as a result, fanatic thoughts rise and repelling from communicating with someone different does happen.

Though it turns out to not be true!

Simply because everyone takes time to self-discover their identity and see how the environment they grew up in shaped their perspectives and personalities, according to Maria Crespo during the Interfaith Dialogue webinar that the Journalists and Writers Foundation held.

The webinar was very insightful, gathering different speakers from different parts of the world who encourage interfaith dialogue and initiatives among the many different religions that exist in our world. It also featured stories of youth from different religions and backgrounds around the world who shared their stories of how they integrated peacefully with their friends and families who were from different religions. The aim is simple: "accepting the diversity that is instilled within every human being."

Again why?

Simply put, there is no need to erupt wars when humanity can co-exist and collaborate to work for the sake of the help and improvement of others who are really in need, rather than wars that are never free of poverty.


Through our different beliefs, thoughts, and backgrounds, we use our different skills and talents to build strong chains of bonds to complete each other's tasks!

However, there are still those who have ulterior motives to urge chaos and unacceptance among the communities!

Note: the entire video can be watched on Youtube of the Journalists and Writers' Foundation Channel. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

A CV revision as a journalist

A couple of days ago, a friend of mine was seeking some guidance in her job hunting and asked me to revise and edit her CV. I was a bit floored by this request, though I understand her current health situation, but for me to revise a CV was a bit too much for a help refugee like me. Second, I am not a recruiter nor do I hold any hiring position since I am a journalist (an explorer one). 

But for some reason I wanted to try to be in the shoes of a recruiter and see what they see. (Again journalists must view, experience and feel what others can do to convey the message rightfully.)

That's why I decided to take on the task and find the best ways to help her.

Also, She is my best friend, and she really lent me her ear and hand during the most depressing times of my life!

What I figured out really triggered my fingers to type the following:

Through the courses, training, experiences and activities, I drew out what roles she might fit into work, produce and learn to take further steps though she didn't specify a certain title. I reached her out instantly and asked what types of jobs she is interested in and thankfully after the talk we came up with various roles that go with her previous encounters and what she is aiming to achieve or grasp on in the near future. 

As I mentioned earlier, I am not a recruiter, I am a journalist!

But what I viewed was: 

It is fine for anyone to adjust their CV the way they want and highlight their potential in a way that would make them stand out.

I know there are rules and standards, but be logical; of course, no one would send a blank document.

I know there should be specific words for each task and role related to the position, but can't there be room for any unexpected new bullets to be stranded?

I know there are tonnes of numbers applying to this one position; hence, at that point, ATS or any sort of online AI tool can be mentioned in the job description to make every applicant aware of how the application scan and process would go.

But still there must be exceptions to roles that require creativity, talents, patience, communication and other soft skills that are curling in different definitions based on each one's personality. If the recruiter is intelligent enough, they would be able to have a peek at the applicant's personality and how they can learn or develop. But the most common revolving gang is to find the redundancy rather than the unconventionally. 

LinkedIn is a strong variable, but needs to be paid attention and a good study scan!

Competition is fierce and it is mentally exhausting on many applicants to sell their values as they are required to regardless that there are many who are introverts. 

If I were able to hire anyone one-day, I wish I could learn about the applicant in their own day. It is really INSIGHTFUL!

In conclusion, every recruiter needs to have adequate attention and study of applicant CVs to be understood correctly for their career goals.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Why should journalists enjoy flexible working hours? Part 1

Writing a sentence to state a fact or its meaning is normal.

Structuring a sentence to convey a struggle or emotion to depict a scene or one's circumstances is entirely different.

That's why articles in the world of journalism are called stories.

Stories are shredded into narrative words and events that crumple up to prowl the imagination in full scenes.

To find the right words, vocabulary learning won't be enough. It isn't hard to learn a new language or write in it, especially if the mind is flexible enough to absorb it.

Knowing grammar is good, and scribbling vocabulary isn't on the list to memorise.

Then how do you write using a high-level technique?

Simply, threading down a story is like vomiting out complicated perspectives mixed with internal emotions, struggles, and proxies. The writer has to feel so that their minds can draw out the right words for the mind to taste and comprehend.

Unconsciously, the talented writer won't have a problem pouring out the right words to paint their stories with.

The problem would only arise if the writer suffers from a mental block, a trauma, or is passing through a hard time. This can create a writing lock where the ability to write a very simple sentence is zero. In that moment, there is no better treatment than putting writing aside and doing something else to rejuvenate what has collapsed.

In other words, if the writer didn't witness or see what else could be seen, then there is no point in writing. The result will be no more than a report with jargon and sophisticated vocabulary.

That's why a fixed traditional working routine on the desk won't bring out the real descriptions of the outer world. Nor would the journalist be able to write beyond the barriers.

Flexible working hours can be a great fit for any journalist. Thanks to COVID, the idea crossed paths with many strict news agencies, and finally, the "flexibility" word can be spotted.

A quick reminder: famous classic novelists and writers were mainly freelancers before a full-time job was even a thought!

Monday, February 5, 2024

Time to go buck to school lunch boxes as Uni food is no longer a trifle.

 "What? I won't be able to buy sandwiches anymore!"

"Nor will we be able to sell a pickle any longer!"

The shocked student, who adores to grab a bite of his favourite seasoned fried potato sandwich, can't fathom out the new price.

Only a month was away in the new year, and the sandwich prices that contain vegetarian components were higher than their previous prices by 15 to 20 EGP. The meat and chicken rolls jumped further, as now officially, the price of red meat per kilo is 400 EGP.

On the first day of the spring semester this year (2024), the universities and schools were crowded with students. Though the last semester's final exams ended in the middle of January, the introduction of this semester was still over the wheels. As if an entire year has flown by.

During gap hours, students would usually rush to food courts. The most heavily queued kiosks are those that sell Egyptian traditional food in sandwiches (local bread), such as beans, taameya (falafel), and fried potatoes as they are very cheap in comparison with other meat sandwiches. Their prices before the late-pound flotations were under 10 EGP. Now they are close to 30 EGP and even more!

Dumbfounded by both the prices and their unwary pessimistic future, their triflest way of mood exchange is blackened as the 50 banknote is no longer in advantage to cover some lavish expenses.

Now students can't buy!

Nor will the owners of the food kiosks be able to sell in quantities before!

"It might be sooner than expected to close down the stall as we won't be able to afford the ingredient costs, and you will be limited in your purchases," the owner of the food stall said to one of the students.

As days flip through, there is still more to whine about regarding the financial suffocation that Egyptians are witnessing more and more.

Reality: "No one chooses to be born"

  "No one chooses to be born." That phrase was spoken by a beast king in the anime series The Sacrificial Princess and the King o...