Years dating back to thousand years ago strong ancient civilizations were ranked to be the top-notch in wheat farming, but now new bordered lands are on the stock market's track for wheat exports.
In the time-lapse of Egypt's farming, Egypt used to be known since its civilization establishment that it has a strong farming process no other country can prosper about. Wheat was part and parcel of the Egyptian diet and used in bread making and beer. Along the valley of the Nile up to the north of the Mediterranean Sea, wheat farming was widespread in the region.
Therefore, Egypt's main trade and export was wheat. One of the famous trade routes was the Darb el-Arbain. It was used from the time of the Old Kingdom of Egypt to trade gold, ivory, spices, wheat, animals, and plants. This route passed through Kharga in the south and Asyut in the north, and was a major route between Nubia and Egypt.
Ancient Egyptian Woman making beer |
In the Middle age kingdom around 1800-1700 BC, famine stroke the world with seven years of no crops to feed thousands of people in Egypt and abroad. When a vague dream was encoded, a beforehand action was outcasted to store huge amounts of wheat and other crops for future consumption and exports to neighboring lands. Thanks to the "Zaphnath-Paaneah" that the Pharaoh has appointed to be his vice-regent as he was able to identify the famine occurrence through a dream interpretation and withstand these difficult circumstances when it happened. All other surrounding nations had their desperate food refugee to Egypt to get some crops to survive this famine.
Along the huge history of the Roman Empire, Egypt was feeding the entire emperor as it had the largest wheat farming process, thus the verdict upon the country was stern to sustain this continuous food supply.
"Egypt is the food basket for the Roman Empire," Egypt's last Ptolemaic Queen Cleopatra's said this famous quote to her husband Antoine in the film that narrated Cleopatra's reign.
Later Egypt was on the list of invaders who lust to empower the entire state into their hands for its luscious farming crops. It went through many eras of wars and policies till today when everything has almost changed in policy and ruling.
According to many sources and data-collecting sites, Egypt is the world's largest importer of wheat. It imports 50 percent of its wheat needs from Russia with between 10 million to 12 million tons of wheat. Meanwhile, Egypt imports 30 percent of its wheat needs from Ukraine. Egypt and most of the North African countries rely on Ukraine and Russia for their food and crop imports though in stated history they were always on the demands of invasion for their wheat farming.
A turn-upside history!!?
In the current world where a new huge existing nation is outlining some economic, policy, and military frames, many countries are obliged to follow the world's trade and economic reform. Those followers are bugged to not plant or harvest any crop and are constricted to some minorities allowed by the BIG BOSS.
Criteria are now meant for organizations worldwide to identify "Developed" and "Developing" countries to ensure control and dignity.
"A too much borrower country has no dignity to respect. Invasion shall be paved," A once US president said!